Sunday, August 12, 2012

The "2 hit" kit

I dub this unknown kit/pack as the "2hit kit" and here is why.

The kit is extremely "simple" looking, there are two interactions with the malicious domain that serve up an exploit and then a payload.

evildomain[.]info/0516 (exploit)
evildomain[.]info/07893 (payload)

Could it be that simple?

No, however I haven't been able to find and document the missing link in the malicious traffic. My assumption of the traffic is a compromised site (possibly outdated/exploited wordpress or something along those lines) serving up the malicious JavaScript that leads to the victims system's JRE connecting to the malicious domain.

Unfortunately this has been evading me so these are my unconfirmed assumptions.

I will be editing this or adding another post with a theoretical Snort signature for this kit.

My RegEx logic: (Splunk with proxy logs)

uri_path="/0*" user_agent=*java* | regex uri_path="^/0\d{3,4}$"

Currently the logic for the signature will be based around catching the Java/1. user agent string in the header, moving into the regex for the number. There is much work to be done on it.

There is much data to sift through and sites to plug at when I have the chance.

Until I have more.



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